plainpalette x noissue

Have you been rethinking your personal style lately and wanting to opt for a more classic, seasonally flexible collection? Here’s a just-dropped fashion brand that might suit your current wardrobe rotation.

plainpalette’s scarf in Cobalt

Grace Mitchell established the brand, plainpalette, in Auckland, New Zealand. plainpalette’s mission to create timeless pieces that will always—no matter the trend or season—be part of your wardrobe staples began with the creation of their signature scarf in the shade cobalt, which also represents the brand’s color. Followed by another release in an all-around flattering shade of green called sherbet. plainpalette, as it is still an emerging brand, is slowly and carefully crafting a curated collection of pieces that will not just be another item in the closet but a key piece that you will be pairing with just about anything for seasons and years to come.

plainpalette’s scarf in Sherbet Green

The brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its small-batch production and use of sustainable packaging. In collaboration with noissue, plainpalette is able to ship their packages on-brand and in style, with packaging made with FSC-certified, recyclable materials. To learn more about plainpalette’s brand and packaging story, read on!

Tell us a bit about your brand, introduce it to the world!

plainpalette is a no frills fashion brand that challenges overconsumption in the industry. Our focus is on offering cult classic items that can serve a lifetime in your wardrobe. By mastering a few patterns and making subtle changes each season, we provide crisp, seasonless pieces that can be easily paired.

Impulse buys become more frequent as people try to keep up with the Jones' and before long are looking at a wardrobe feeling like they have nothing to wear because of seasoned pieces that don't match with other clothes. Our unembellished pieces are available in harmonious Pantone hues for effortless coordination and allow you to make each piece truly your own.

We release items in small batches and avoid overproduction, ensuring a thoughtful and as sustainable approach to fashion as we can.

Tell us about the design for your packaging and how you’re using them?

plainpalette's packaging design embodies our commitment to a peeled-back approach. Originally considering brown paper and plain tape, we sought minimal branding. However, as a small business, we opted for a distinctive cobalt blue palette, aligning with our first product, the Cobalt scarf.

noissue Custom Masking Tape for @plainpalette_

Our packaging features a metallic silver color for our product bag, creating a striking contrast with the cobalt blue noissue Masking Tape, ensuring our brand is memorable and stands out. Even in our font choice, we maintain a peeled-back look by not capitalizing our brand name. This design approach reinforces our brand vision while leaving a lasting impression on our customers.

What made noissue a good fit for your packaging?

I've personally followed noissue for a number of years as I admire their clean design approach. When I finally launched my own brand, their products were a natural choice.

I was pleasantly surprised by their fair pricing and commitment to sustainability, all while avoiding greenwashing. As my brand grows, I look forward to furthering our partnership with noissue and exploring additional opportunities.