The Memo x noissue

We chatted with the team at The Memo about parenting and how important it is to have access to the highest quality products for both parent and child, expert advice, and a community united through parenthood; and how noissue’s sustainable packaging makes it all the easier to share all that.

Tell us a bit about your brand, introduce it to the world!

Say hello to The Memo, your feel good parenting destination to help make big decisions, easy. We offer a quality curation of the best baby brands on the planet and content that educates, connects, and inspires. Everything a new parent needs to feel good, prepared, and supported when raising a child. You can find The Memo online at or IRL at our High St. Armadale Boutique.

Tell us about the design for your packaging and how you’re using them?

We use our custom Tissue Paper for all our bespoke gift wrapping and in all online and in-store purchases. We love that noissue is customizable, so we can create a personalized experience through our gift wrapping.

noissue Tissue Paper, designed by @fromthememo

What made noissue a good fit for your packaging?

noissue is a reliable partner who gets the job done locally and fast!