It may not be the most exciting topic in the world, but shipping and logistics is an integral part of any e-commerce business strategy.
While reducing cost is always a factor, improving customer service and experience should be rated as equally important. According to the National Retail Federation, in 2015 almost 60% of online transactions included free shipping, and that number has continued to rise worldwide over the last two years.
Shipping and fulfillment optimization was also named as one of the top 20 E- commerce trends in 2018 (Internet Retailer Top 1000 report). Understandably, shipping and logistics should become a serious part of any company's growth strategy, and will require continual assessment. Time is money, and the development of paid fulfillment services (third-party logistics, or 3PL), means the days of allocating time and resources to shipping are long gone, allowing businesses to focus on other areas such as growth and strategy.

noissue strives to make the process easier, working directly with 3PLs to supply your business with custom packaging solutions. We also ship for free, giving you the ability to have your custom tissue paper at multiple 3PL locations. One of the big advantages of these new innovations is the ability to tie your inventory to your e-commerce platform or your order management system.
We can plug in to inventory management platforms, increasing the visibility of inventory, so you can make more informed decisions for your business. It’s important to monitor your shipping and logistics strategy. Your business will continue to develop and change, so too will E-commerce shipping and logistics with new advances and innovations. Successfully meeting the needs of your customers requires businesses to utilize the latest technology. Straightforward and efficient shipping can set you apart from your competitors and aid in taking your business to new heights.