The way businesses connect with their customers is ever-expanding, with digital touchpoints becoming more important than ever. Establishing and maintaining relationships with your customers is a must in today’s competitive market. For eCommerce businesses, there is an opportunity to encourage these long-lasting customer relationships to form from the moment said customers open their package. How?
By using dynamic QR codes. Custom QR code stickers are one of several ways to incorporate a QR code into your packaging, driving customers to digitally re-engage with your brand however you see fit. Review just some of the powerful ways you can use this simple tool to enhance your remarketing with noissue.

What is a Custom QR Code Sticker?
A QR code is a unique configuration of black and white squares. The pattern stores a URL, and when the code is scanned by a mobile device, it sends the user to that URL. Though they were invented all the way back in 1994, this method of visually storing information really picked up team alongside the rapid evolution of the smartphone.
Now, QR codes are a popular way for businesses, makers, and creators to offer further information in an easy-to-access way. From webpages to shipping boxes, QR codes offer a digital touchpoint anywhere you can fit an image.
A custom QR code sticker takes things one step further, reinventing the way businesses of all shapes and sizes can engage with their customers. They’re a simple, cheap, and effective way to add a digital touchpoint to your packaging, driving customers to re-engage with your brand right as they experience the dopamine hit of opening their package.
Ways You Can Make the Most of Your Custom QR Code Stickers
Here at noissue, we partner with tapkit to create custom QR codes and emblazon them on your custom packaging. Each new code links to a microsite – which is like a smaller, more contained version of a standard website. Once you have your custom code, you can jump into tapkit’s platform and edit the dynamic code, tweaking everything from your microsite’s layout to the URL your code sends users to.
There are so many ways you can use a tool this versatile, especially when you use customized stickers to emblazon the code on any kind of packaging.

Expand on your brand
The research has it: consumers want it all. Customers want to know more about the brands they choose to engage with. What do you value? Who do you support? What is your mission? Knowing these things allows them to connect with you beyond your product offering, driving a long-lasting and loyal relationship (a.k.a. the envy of business owners everywhere).
Use your customized QR stickers to introduce customers to your brand. Educate them on your story and values, offering a space for them to explore which elements of your brand matter most to them.
Check out this example from tapkit of a great way to execute this.
Enable quick reordering
Nothing loops a customer back into the conversion funnel faster than convenience. If they love your product, make it as simple as possible for them to order it again. You can craft your microsite to be a curated selection of your product range, encouraging them to tour your offerings and re-order (whether it be at the moment they receive their package or much later).
This is an especially effective strategy if your product is a consumable, as you can include custom QR code stickers coded to the individual products somewhere on their packaging. Then, once your customer is fresh out, all they have to do is scan to reorder.
Discover a great example of this method from tapkit’s gallery.
Scan for exclusive discount
Once a customer has journeyed all the way down the sales funnel to a conversion, the next step is to draw them back with an offering that appeals to their needs. Custom QR codes offer an efficient and effective way to drive customers back into the funnel… exclusive discounts!
Include a quick and easy way for your customers to get a discount on their next order with a simple QR-linked microsite. You can use the offer as a lead magnet by requiring their contact details to release the discount, or build trust with a no-strings-attached discount offer to drive more purchases.
Check out an example of this effective tool in use here.
Give them a how-to
Ensure your product puts its best foot forward with a linked microsite that takes your customers through the best ways to use it! From skincare to software, including a way for customers to expand their knowledge of your product ensures they can enjoy the best possible experience with it.
Not only does this make them more likely to buy with you again, but it also demonstrates a real care for the needs of your consumers.
Here’s what that can look like.
Wrapping it Up!
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Since our custom QR codes are dynamic, and since stickers are so versatile, their combination is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to reinvent your customers’ experiences with your products.
Discover more examples of the many ways you can curate your microsite with tapkit and explore noissue’s range of custom stickers today!