You might've seen that as part of Noissue's Eco-Packaging Alliance, every order a customer makes contributes to global reforestation. One order = one tree planted on your behalf by our partner of the same name.
These trees are planted in deforested areas that One Tree Planted decides are most in need across the world. Regions include North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa and The Pacific. More than 22,000 trees have been planted worldwide so far as a result of the Eco-Packaging Alliance.
But why the tree planting, you might ask? The answer is simple: trees help in the fight against climate change. The Guardian says that tree planting has 'mind blowing potential' to tackle the climate crisis, as planting billions of trees across the world is one of the most effective and cheap ways to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide is one of the troublesome greenhouse gasses that's increasing in the atmosphere and driving global warming. Forests can counteract this because they are natural carbon absorbers that can filter CO2 from the Earth's atmosphere.
The carbon is removed from the air through the process of photosynthesis and absorbs into the tree's wood, leaves and soil. It's then retained in this forest ecosystem and locked away, unable to damage the atmosphere around us.

Trees' superpowers don't stop at fighting climate change either. They help us and other living beings lead healthier lives, too. Trees filter the water we drink, clean the air we breathe by converting gasses into clean oxygen and provide a habitat to over 80 percent of the world's biodiversity, including many insects, mammals, and plants.
They're also a key ingredient in 25 percent of all medicines. If you've ever taken an Aspirin, you might be surprised to know that it comes from the bark of a tree.
Sadly, despite all of this, humans cut down up to 15 billion trees per year, while the global tree count has fallen by 46% since the beginning of civilization. This makes it all the more important to regenerate the trees that have been culled and re-green the world.
And with the wildfires that have broken out in California and Australia in 2020, it's all the more important to get on board with this cause and plant more trees.
Curious to know more about the region where your tree has been planted? Here's a lowdown on all of the countries and states where noissue plants trees.
California's forests help provide clean water and air, recreational activities such as hikes, wildlife habitats and beautiful scenery. Five years of a drought have seriously damaged California's forests, as has its wildfire seasons in recent years. The 2017 wildfires burned more than 1.3 million acres, while the 2020 wildlife burned close to 3 million acres. Trees planted here help with restoration of trees throughout these damaged areas. Types of trees include the Sugar Pine, California Redwood (State Tree), Maple, Birch and Walnut.
Oregon is a diverse area that's home to many iconic trees, including the Douglas fir, Oregon white oak, Oregon ash, Western red cedar and big leaf maple, but the region has also lost an estimated 522,000 acres since 2000. Over 35 different types of native species are planted here so that the ecosystem is supported and restored.
Colorado counts 24.4 million acres of forests within its state, which creates a sustainable wood products industry, diverse wildlife, fresh water and lots of sights to explore. This area also provides fresh water to 19 US states and Mexico. But these forests are also threatened by droughts, forest fires and insect infestations. Trees species planted here include the Pine, Aspen, and Oak tree.
British Columbia
British Columbia (B.C.) is home to iconic Canadian landscapes, from pristine lakes, to mountains, to abundant forests. Forests cover over two-thirds of the province and are rich in biodiversity. This area counts insects, pests, disease and wildfires among its threats. In 2016, over 1.2 million hectares burned in B.C.'s worst wildfire in history. Coniferous (softwood), pine, spruce, fire and western red cedar are present in almost 90 percent of B.C.'s forests and are some of the tree species that get planted here.
Florida counts 37 forests within its state that span over 1 million acres. These forests are home to tree species such as Cypress and Longleaf Pines, Carolina Silverbells and Chestnut and Palm. Planting a tree here helps Florida's natural environment stay strong against hurricane damage, flooding and wildlifes that frequently hit the area.
Brazil's tropical rainforest, the Atlantic Forest, once covered 130 million hectares, but deforestation, sugar cane, coffee, urban sprawl and cattle ranching have all contributed to this number being made much smaller. The remaining forest is located in the Western São Paulo State. Trees planted here help increase this forest's cover and include more than 100 native species, including Gochnatia polymorpha, Guarea guidonea, Tapirira guianensis and Inga striata.
Guatemala is home to one of the most diverse forests in Central America. In fact, its very name means "land of the trees" in the Mayan-Toltec language. But its location means that there is a greater risk of floods, landslides and other natural disasters. Population growth has also greatly impacted on this area. Trees planted here include exotic hardwoods and cacao plants.
Haiti is an area in need of some love when it comes to reforestation. Centuries of damage have been done to the region's soil from over-farming and poor agricultural practices. Planting trees here helps restore nutrients to the soil, while teaching local farmers how to manage the land responsibly and profitably. The types of trees planted here include fruit trees such as papaya and fast growing timber trees.
Indonesia is a unique landscape made up of 17,000 islands, with many mangroves, carbon-rich swamps and large rainforests. It has incredible biodiversity and is home to many rare and unique wildlife such as elephants, orangutans and tigers. Trees planted here include native trees such as durian, dipterocarps, ironwoods, teak and other tropical hardwoods.
Vietnam's landscapes are diverse and include karst mountains, lowland plains and coastal mangroves. These tropical forests are home to more than 1500 species of birds, mammals and reptiles, while much of the human local population also depends on the forests for food. Trees planted here include native species such as dipterocarpus alatus and hopea adorata.
India is a country full of diverse and vast landscapes. It has tropical forests, subtropical montane forests, alpine forests and mangrove forests. Around eight percent of the world's flora and fauna is found in India, including endangered species like Bengal Tigers. Its forest support the livelihoods of almost 275 million people, who use them for food, fuelwood and other forest products. Trees planted here include fruit trees such as papaya, peach, pomegranate, guava, and more.
Ghana has beautiful landscapes filled with sandy beaches along a picturesque coast and forests that cover almost a quarter (21 percent) of the country. Forests are a key resource for local Ghanaians, with 80 percent of them depending on forests for their livelihoods. Reforestation efforts are centred in north-east Ghana, close to the Sahara and Sahel deserts. Trees planted here include Mahogany, Rosewood, Teak and Eucalyptus.
Ontario has incredibly diverse forests, which means it's home to a wide range of unique plants and wildlife. However, it's also under a lot of pressure because of agricultural developments and natural resource extractions. Trees planted here restore wildlife habitats, watersheds and fill the gap left by a cut government programme that intended on planting 50 million trees by 2025.
Trees are planted in the Boreal forest, which is also the world’s largest intact forest ecosystem. Quebec's forests are home to some of the most ecologically rich ecosystems on the planet, including more than 50 species of trees, 225 species of birds and 60 mammal species including moose and black bears.
The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest rainforest ecosystem. This expansive forest covering 1.9 billion acres, spans 9 countries and is home to many beloved creatures, such as the Jaguar, Amazon River Dolphin, Black Spider Monkey and Poison Dart Frog. Its sheer size means it plays a critical role in the fight against climate change, as it can hold an estimated 90 to 140 billion metric tons of carbon. Trees planted here help conserve the home of these many species, provide livelihoods to local people and stabilize the climate.
The Andes Mountains of South America are world renown for their beauty. This place used to have abundant forests, but an increasing population and interest in agricultural has meant many trees have disappeared. Trees planted here help Indigenous populations with food, water and jobs and include Polylepsis trees, which are native to the Andes and have adapted to the high altitude of the area.
Australia has more than 123 million hectares of native forests in its country, which makes up three percent of the Earth's forests. The forests vary in quality, from tropical mangroves to extensive bushlands that include native acacia and eucalyptus trees. Trees planted here go towards recovering forests affected by the Black Summer Bushfires in 2019 and 2020, creating vital native habitats for wildlife. Tree species planted include acacia, eucalyptus and melaleuca.
The Philippines support some of the most incredible rainforests in South East Asia, as well as unique bamboo and mangrove ecosystems. This sheer diversity makes it one of the world's most mega-diverse countries and a global biodiversity hotspot, as more than 1000 creatures are endemic to the Philippines and found nowhere else. Trees planted here include rainforest trees such as s dipterocarps, native fruit trees and giant bamboo or mangrove seedlings.
Kenya's forest, the Kijabe Forest, is an 'Afro-alpine' high canopy forest that provides an important habitat for biodiverse animals and plants. Though it only covers about 5000 hectares, almost 200,000 people depend on the forest for water, wood and agriculture. Trees planted here include the East African pencil-cedar and African olive.
Forests in Ethiopia help create sustainable businesses for the local community in fruit and coffee production, beekeeping and animal fattening. The tree planting effort in Ethiopia focuses on Loka Bedelcha Kebele in Southern Ethiopia and the Amhara region in the North. Trees planted here include mango, papaya and avocado fruit trees and coffee plants.
Rwanda's forests are home to a lot of biodiversity, including more than 60 species of trees and chimpanzees. The Gishwati-Mukura forests of Rwanda span 3,558 hectares, but has decreased in size overtime due to illegal mining and resettlements following the genocide in 1994. Trees planted here will help build the skills of 2000 farmers in the area and improve the community's livelihood. Trees planted here include fig, avocado, lemon and tree tomatoes.
Tree planting efforts in Tanzania are led by local farmers to combat the effects of deforestation, poverty and drought to ensure more trees, more biodiversity and more income for local people. Trees planted here provide food, fruits, fuel and building material for people, as well as windbreaks and shade. Tree species planted here include Eucalyptus, Mijohoro and Mikalatusi.
More trees, please

We hope this guide to where we plant our trees around the world has helped you think about the impact you can make through the Eco-Packaging Alliance.
If you want to take an in-depth look at reforestation efforts around the world, you can explore this interactive Global Forest Watch map and zoom in on the location where you're planning on planting a tree. The map shows tree loss and reforestation over time.
Trees play a central role in the health of our world, so the more you can contribute to them being planted, the better. It’s estimated a global planting programme could absorb two-thirds of emissions from human activities that are in the atmosphere currently.
Become part of the solution and join our Eco-Packaging Alliance today.