Custom ink stamp by @jelaine_home
Everyone remembers playing with rubber stamps as a kid. They were mostly the premade kind that could be bought at craft stores. As many kids quickly find out, the application possibilities for stamps are almost endless!
The same is true for custom ink stamps for businesses. These custom stamps can easily monograph shipping materials, cards, envelopes, and signatures. A logo stamp can also be used to quickly and easily apply a decal anywhere you might expect to find a logo, like a letterhead, an invitation, or a package, while adding a touch of rustic flair.

Paying Attention to the Small Details Matters
As we well know, design and aesthetics matter. With the rise of international online retail, customers have more access than ever to products of all kinds and prices.
For this reason, the best way to let your product stand out and create more customer conversions is with brand awareness. Brand awareness is created by offering a continuous vision and lifestyle surrounding your brand and products. Customers may be paying for your products, but it’s the lifestyle your brand evokes that they’re actually buying into–if you do things right.
This is why paying attention to all the details of the customer journey matters so much, including the small ones. Details absolutely count.
What are Custom Ink Stamps?
There are several different types of stamps to choose from.
- Rubber Stamps: Rubber stamps are the classic version. These are popular because they can easily affix a seal onto most materials due to the flexible nature of rubber. Rubber stamps sometimes have a long handle or are flat without a handle.
- Wood Stamps: Wood is the traditional stamp material. Wood stamps (along with many rubber stamps as well) require a separate ink pad to apply color. A wooden stamp usually has a large handle or a grooved base for gripping.
- Self-Inking Stamps: If you’re looking for an all-in-one product, then self-inking stamps are a good option because there’s no need for the ink pad alongside. Instead, you would fill the compartment with ink from a bottle, and the stamp will apply its own ink for each use.
- Pre-Inked Stamps: While self-inking stamps have a built-in ink pad, pre-inked stamps have ink stored behind the stamp that’s released when a stamp is being affixed.
How can Your Brand Use Personalized Stamps?
There’s almost no end to the applications for personalized stamps for businesses. Just a few ways businesses use logo stamps include the following:
- Shipping Boxes
- Envelopes
- Labels
- Thank You cards
- Custom wrappings
- Signatures
- Return addresses
- Letterheads

Why You Might be Looking For a Personalized Stamp
You have to sign too often: If your company offers thank you cards, personalized letters, or anything else where your signature is needed, it can save time and work to use a stamp instead. A personalized stamp also means that other staff members can affix your signature if you’re not around or are otherwise engaged.
You wish to mass produce a hand-written touch: Whether return addresses, mailing labels, thank you cards, or otherwise, there’s a strong appeal to hand-written details, particularly for small and artisan businesses. However, after writing out a few of these, you may quickly realize that handwriting is laborious and time-consuming. Custom ink stamps can offer the same aesthetic of handwriting without the extra work and time.
You want a logo with a rustic, handmade aesthetic: Many artists and artisans are conscientious of how a handmade aesthetic can instill and evoke a specific emotional response. A logo stamp is a great way of affixing your logo to shipping materials and labels, and it’s also, quite frankly, a handy option to have around the workshop.
How to Combine Logo Stamps With Other Custom Shipping Material
You may wish to use your custom stamp signature or logo stamp for your customer flyers, label tags, menus, or thank you cards. A stamp is a great way of adding a personal touch to any of these because it shows that the product, package, or correspondence was treated by hand with care and precision.
Another option is to use stamps for your neutral or custom mailers. For small businesses, this reflects a perception of quality and therefore value to the product itself. For large businesses, it demonstrates that your company pays attention to the small details.

Wrapping it up
Whatever your business, it’s always good to have a few personalized stamps around for that extra personal touch and brand recognition.
At noissue, we have custom stamps that are made from quality materials, so that they have a longer lifetime—fantastic for combining flair, style, personalization, and sustainability all in one!