ECO ALLIANCE Botanical Bones: Natural Treats Fur Your Canine Companion "Our mission is: dog treats made in harmony with nature." - Creators of Botanical Bones
ECO ALLIANCE Flatwoods Fawn: Jewelry Meant to Empower Those Who Wear Them " is really special to see how my customers connect with the pieces." Ashley Massey, owner and designer of Flatwoods Fawn
ECO ALLIANCE OÏOÏOÏ baby: Your Kid's First Sustainable Wardrobe OÏOÏOÏ baby's clothing rental service allows parents to dress their babies in new and better fitting clothes guilt-free.
ECO ALLIANCE V and Co Boutique: Cute and Quirky Candles to Brighten Every Space V and Co Boutique aims to bring unique home decor pieces to every home while being kind to the environment.
ECO ALLIANCE Little Pebbles: A Taste of Japan in Every Bite of French Pastry Little Pebbles is a Toronto-based patisserie and coffee shop that takes simple French pastries and gives them a Japanese twist that's too beautiful and yummy not to indulge in.
ECO ALLIANCE Magi the Label: Bringing Back Hemp to the Sustainable Fashion World For thousands of years, we've had a stable, symbiotic relationship with Earth, growing plants to make into clothing. It's time to bring those practices back." Nergiz, Founder of Magi the Label
Creatives: Atlas Branding x Botanical Bones “The packaging design for the project was loosely inspired by the illustrator Charley Harper and how he captured the natural world. Each product features a super food ingredient that is central to each Botanical Bones recipe and a dog that represents how that treat benefits its health." - Lisa
ECO ALLIANCE Bondi Letters: Creativity through Crystals and Calligraphy "Everything I do is hand-crafted by myself and created with intention that infuses every project with the energy that each of my customers need to receive from me at any given time." Vanessa, creator of Bondi Letters
ECO ALLIANCE Sphyrnas: Spearheading Shark Conservation One Product at a Time “Our mission is to inspire conservation and educational outreach of sharks and the ocean through use of design and activism.” Cari, founder of Sphyrnas
ECO ALLIANCE Faven: Panties that Kick Excessive Global Waste in the Butt "Faven is the fruition of my aspiration to provide quality-made products with a minimal footprint." Kayla, owner of Faven
ECO ALLIANCE Molly Magnell: Creating and Managing Art that’s Uniquely Yours "I believe that sharing art can communicate feelings and ideas where words fall short." Molly, illustrator and owner of her self-titled business.
ECO ALLIANCE Booxies: Making Every Reading Experience More Special Booxies aims to enhance every customer's reading experience with every curated box.
ECO ALLIANCE Lucy Innes Williams: For All Things Folk and Floral "With my brand, I aim to bring a celebration of colour, pattern and floral painting into people's lives." Lucy, creator of Lucy Innes Williams
ECO ALLIANCE Murlong Cres: Clothing That's Kind to Your Body and the Environment "I want to create unique clothes that feels good on your body, without hurting the planet in the process." Kaja, founder of Murlong Cres
Creatives: Hous of Halcyon x Moon Body Soul "Kaitee was the ideal client because she had a vision but she allowed me to move with creative freedom within that vision. After I sent her my first sketch she was over the moon and I began the penning process." - Annabel
ECO ALLIANCE Jean Choe Art: Pieces that Brighten Up Spaces and Lives A chat with creative visionary and supermom, Jean Choe, on how she dreams big, conquers challenges, and continues to brighten up people's lives with her colorful artworks.
ECO ALLIANCE BYCOLE: Comfort Through Candlelight “It’s almost like I'm looking at my business through the lenses of the environment.” Jamaen, creator of BYCOLE
ECO ALLIANCE Designed by Bria: Doodles Designed To Delight "I believe if everyone took just a few steps like this to help our planet it would be a more beautiful place to live.” Bria, creator of Designed by Bria
ECO ALLIANCE Glowvine: Turning Burned Out Candles to Cute Planters "I really wanted to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of this business..." Xana, owner of Glowvine
ECO ALLIANCE Danielle Illustrates: Raising Awareness on the Most Endangered Animals "...I have grown to creating illustrations that not only depict animals, but give them stories and personalities." Danielle, founder of Danielle Illustrates
ECO ALLIANCE La Taula: Combining Quality Culinary With Sustainability “My commitment is to take people on a sensuous culinary journey into plant-based cuisine where culinary art meets ultimate nutrition.” Kanch, creator of La Taula
ECO ALLIANCE Juiced: Jazzing Up Old Denim With Vibrant Art "By upcycling and reworking secondhand denim, my aim is to save products from landfill -- renewing their lifecycle and bringing them back to the forefront of your wardrobe." Julia, creator of Juiced Denim
Creatives: Keren Elise Creative x Lend Me The Dress “The projects I mostly take on are from small, alike businesses who are needing branding that reflects their creativeness. These are my favourite projects because you are literally bringing their idea (baby) to life for them - by creating branding that represents them as a business." - Keren
ECO ALLIANCE Sew Fetch: Pet Bandanas You'll Love Fur-real "We are realising that success doesn't happen overnight and are celebrating the little wins. We are lucky to have great support from friends, family and the Instagram dog community!" Sarah, Founder of Sew Fetch
ECO ALLIANCE Nathalie Ouederni: Art and Illustrations the Whole Year Round We chat with Nathalie Ouederni, a Barcelona-based artist who loves spontaneity, colorful stationery and artworks, and on-brand tissue paper to delight her customers.